Our Leaders

As with all churches in the Baptist movement, our members elect our leaders, the deacons. They, with the approval of the members, appoint our pastor.

Our Pastor

Ron Skivington Rev. Ron Skivington

Jane and I came to Stalham with our sons Peter and David, both now grown up with families of their own.

I studied at BTI Glasgow, followed by Scottish Baptist College and was invited to spend the summer of 1988 in Stalham and, when I finished my studies the following year, was asked if we would we come back and so we have been here since July 1989.

Our church logo is Jesus at the centre and that sums up how I see my role in Stalham, it is about ensuring Jesus becomes ever more central in my life, in SBC's life and also increasingly that Jesus is seen in our wider community.

Our Assistant Pastor

Jerry Otieno Oluoch Rev. Jeremiah Otieno (Jerry)

I am Kenyan and returned to Stalham after spending a summer here a couple of years ago while training for Christian ministry at The London Seminary. This time I brought with me my German wife, Simone, and one year old daughter, Elsa, to take up what was a one year appointment, starting in May 2017, as Pastoral Assistant at the church.

My role is in pastoral care and relationship building within the whole fellowship, but particularly with the younger generation. In particular, I support our volunteers in the existing young people’s groups, such as Sunday School, and have been asked to take the lead in starting new outreach ventures and building the links within local schools, where I now sometimes take assemblies.

Our Deacons

David Child David Child

Mine was a long 50 year journey to become a Christian from being inspired at a North London school around 1965 by my RE teacher to meeting Ron Skivington at Stalham Baptist Church and being Baptised on Easter Sunday 2016.

In between wasn’t a wilderness of lost faith, more a bumping into Jesus occasionally as you do an absent friend, only to move on promising to stay in touch but you don’t.

Winston Churchill wrote of himself "Personally, I'm always ready to learn, although I do not always like being taught." And I am very like that. Ron never attempted to teach me he just led me on a pathway of guided discovery.

Current term on diaconate: 2023-2026

Diana Gordon Diana Gordon - Secretary

I became a Christian in 1961, after being invited to a youth mission in my home town of Burnley. I Moved to Norfolk in 2012, and have attended SBC since then, becoming a member in April 2016.

I am committed to serving God in the best way I can and my passion is to help the church move forwards in reaching out to a new generation of believers. I am married to Greg Chapman.

Current term on diaconate: 2023-2026

Maggie Harpur Maggie Harpur

I was born again one evening in the summer of 1976 through the grace of God when He revealed the Lord Jesus to me by His Holy Spirit. From that miracle of a moment my inner life was totally transformed as I was restored to God and a new life began as He worked in and through me and will do so until the day of Jesus Christ.

From that moment I have had such a great passion for others to know the Lord Jesus as their Saviour I love meeting and building relationships with people from all social backgrounds and all levels of ability through the gifts of love, evangelism, encouragement and hospitality.

Current term on diaconate: 2024-2027

Stewart Marsh Stewart Marsh - Treasurer

In 1965 I was working on a small farm in North Norfolk. The farmer’s wife was and is a Christian and it was this lady that invited me to a crusade in 1968 where I became a Christian and was baptised at Foulsham Baptist Church in 1969.

My Wife Linda and I moved to the Stalham area in 1991 and started to attend the Stalham Baptist church where we soon became active members.

I am keen to see the church move forward both in terms of the building facilities and reaching people in the local community that they might start or further their journey with God. I will help with this the best way I can, endeavoring to keep Jesus at the centre.

Current term on diaconate: 2022-2025

Daniel nicholson Daniel Nicholson

I've been going to Stalham Baptist church since I was a child with my family. When I left school I stopped going to church regularly and only went occasionally.

When I met my wife Victoria we started going regularly and I got baptised on November 28th 2010. My real fire for Jesus came around four years ago when I got baptised in the holy spirit and I've not looked back since.

I want to help the church move forward In whatever way God leads me and be there to help people who are searching for God.

Current term on diaconate: 2024-2027

Henry Nicholson Henry Nicholson

I first went to Sunday school as a young boy in the 1950’s until I was about fifteen years old. I did not think about church until I met my wife who later became a Christian. I would visit the Baptist church on odd occasions when my children were taking part in activities there. It was some time in the 1990’s when I became a Christian and was baptised later on November 28th 2010. I was elected by church members to the diaconate in April 2014.

Current term on diaconate: 2023-2026

Elaine Smith Elaine Smith

When the Methodist Chapel in Catfield finally closed its doors I always say I went looking for a new church but in reality left that up to God.

I was asked to take over the Rainbows which met in the Stables and got a job as a Teaching Assistant at All Saints Lessingham working with children with challenges. The school comes to SBC for their Thanksgiving service in July and at Christmas, so well before Catfield Methodist closed God was already getting me acquainted with the church.

As I said at my baptism I love our church the ministry, the congregation the outreach, all done with positive drive and laughter. I am not a born leader nor a visionary but I do want to serve God, so being asked to become a Deacon I found very humbling and a privilege.

Current term on diaconate: 2022-2025