Equal Opportunities

Diversity and Equal Opportunities Policy

Statement of Intent

Stalham Baptist Church is a Christian Organisation and registered charity, in membership with the Baptist Union of Great Britain. We are committed to treating all people equally, whether employees, volunteers, suppliers, and contractors or those who access our premises for any other purpose. Our values are aligned with Christian principles, and we believe in the inherent moral equality, dignity and worth of every individual

(There is neither Jew nor Greek, slave nor free, male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus. Galatians 3:28).

It is the policy of Stalham Baptist Church that all people, irrespective of their religion, colour, nationality, ethnic origin, age, disability, gender (including gender re-assignment), marital status or sexual orientation will be treated equally. The Equality Act 2010 provides the legal framework within which Stalham Baptist Church will implement this policy.

Employees and Volunteers

Certain posts, whether paid or unpaid, will require that the post holder supports the ethos and the values of the Christian faith, uphold the principles of Stalham Baptist Church, and speak and act in line with Christian values in the course of their duties. These posts are recognised as having Genuine Occupational Requirements.

All information in relation to any of the above posts, including advertising and role definitions/job descriptions will make the position of religious belief clear.

After taking into account any genuine occupational requirement, entry into employment, promotion or change of post within Stalham Baptist Church is determined by personal merit and ability, relevant to the mission and purpose of the church.


It is the responsibility of every individual to eliminate discrimination by ensuring the practical application of the equal opportunities policy and reporting concerns about any possible breach of this policy to the Trustees.

All allegations of discrimination (including harassment) will be treated seriously.

Reporting Concerns

Any concerns should be reported to one of the following:-


01692 582091

Equal Opportunities Trustee:

07951 949128

Policy Updated: 8 September 2021

You may also download our full Diversity and Equal Opportunities policy document.