Prayers For You

Prayer Graphic

We believe in prayer. Read below about the ways we support those requesting prayer for themselves or friends or family members. We also believe in the power of communal prayer and various Prayer Meetings are held.

Prayer Tent

Those attending our main Sunday service will be aware that we always have a small team ready near the back of the church to support others in prayer.

Prayer Cards

If you live near our church you may well have had delivered a card that asks if you wish members of the church to join you in your prayers.

Our WhatsApp Group

As well as our more traditional approaches to prayer, we now have a WhatsApp Prayer Group to which anyone attending our church can apply to join. (Find out more about WhatsApp.) Jerry, our Assistant Pastor, has set it up and it is hoped the group will encourage church members to continue the habit of praying for one another.

The service will offer a prayer alert service on WhatsApp, meaning we can share urgent prayer requests as soon as we hear about them and will provide text message alerts and occasional images or audio to help us pray.

How To Join

  1. Add +44 7733 837687 (Jerry's number) to your phone's contact list.
  2. Send a message via WhatsApp to him
  3. Jerry will add you to the group.

Or just your name and mobile number.

When using the group, please consider its purpose — to encourage prayer. Avoid personal chatting and sharing posts that could directly or indirectly hurt others. Verify the authenticity of a message before forwarding it to the group.

Request Prayer

Anyone is also welcome to email a . One of the church's pastoral staff will respond and handle the request in the way you wish, asking others to join in prayer if that is appropriate.